《1709年业主与租客法令》(英语:Landlord and Tenant Act 1709;8 Ann c 18)是大不列颠国会的一项法令,旨在规管业主与租客之间的关系。
国会法令 | |
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大不列颠国会 | |
详题 | 本法令旨在更有效地保障租住权及防止租客作出欺诈行为。(An Act for the better Security of Rents and to prevent Frauds committed by Tenants.) |
引称 | 8 Ann c 18 |
地域范围 | 英格兰及威尔士 苏格兰 |
现状:已修订 | |
修订后法规文本 |
- ^ The citation of this Act by this short title was authorised by section 1 of, and Schedule 1 to, the Short Titles Act 1896. Due to the repeal of those provisions, it is now authorised by section 19(2) of the Interpretation Act 1978.
- ^ The Chronological Table of the Statutes, 1235 - 2010. The Stationery Office. 2011. ISBN 978-0-11-840509-6. Part I. Page 81, read with pages viii and x.