此条目可参照英语维基百科相应条目来扩充。 (2021年9月1日) |
无损检测(Nondestructive testing,NDT)又称非破坏检验,是在不影响检测对象未来使用功能或现在的运行状态前提下,采用射线、超声、红外、电磁、太赫兹无损检测 等原理技术仪器对材料、零件、设备进行缺陷、化学、物理参数的检测技术。常见的有超声波检测焊缝中的裂纹等方法。中国机械工程学会无损检测学会是中国无损检测学术组织,TC56是其标准化机构。
NDT is divided into various methods of nondestructive testing, each based on a particular scientific principle. These methods may be further subdivided into various techniques. The various methods and techniques, due to their particular natures, may lend themselves especially well to certain applications and be of little or no value at all in other applications. Therefore, choosing the right method and technique is an important part of the performance of NDT.
- 声发射检测 (AE or AT)
- 红蓝酸蚀氧化检测(BEA,Blue etch anodize)
- 染色渗透检测法 或 液体渗透检测法(PT or LPI)
- 电磁感应检测(ET 或 EMI,Electromagnetic Inspection)
- 交流电场测量 (ACFM,Alternating current field measurement)
- 交流电势下降测量 (ACPD,Alternating current potential drop measurement)
- 巴克豪森效应测试(Barkhausen testing)
- 直流电势下降测量(DCPD,Direct current potential drop measurement)
- 涡电流检测(ECT,Eddy-current testing)
- Magnetic flux leakage testing (MFL) for pipelines, tank floors, and wire rope
- 磁粉检测法(MT 或 MPI,Magnetic-particle inspection)
- 磁感(Magnetovision)
- 远场检测(RFT,Remote field testing)
- 椭圆偏振技术(Ellipsometry)
- 内窥镜检测
- 导波检测 (GWT,Guided wave testing)
- 硬度测试(Hardness testing)
- 脉冲激振法(IET,Impulse excitation technique)
- 微波成像(Microwave imaging)
- 太赫兹无损检测(THz,Terahertz nondestructive evaluation)X-Ray, Optical and Terahertz image of a packaged IC.[1]
- 红外线及热力检测 (IR,Infrared and thermal testing)
- 热成像仪
- 扫描热顕微镜
- Laser testing
- Electronic speckle pattern interferometry
- Holographic interferometry
- Self-mixing laser interferometry
- 低连续性干涉测量术(Low coherence interferometry)
- 光学同调断层扫描(OCT,Optical coherence tomography)
- 轮廓仪(Profilometer)
- 激光剪像仪(Shearography)
- Leak testing (LT) or Leak detection
- Hydrostatic test
- Absolute pressure leak testing (pressure change)
- Bubble testing
- Halogen diode leak testing
- Hydrogen leak testing
- Mass spectrometer leak testing
- Tracer-gas leak testing method for helium, hydrogen and refrigerant gases
- 核磁共振成像(MRI,Magnetic Resonance Imaging)及核磁共振光谱法(NMR spectroscopy)
- Metallographic replicas[2][3]
- Spectroscopy
- Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
- Mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIR)
- (Far-infrared =) Terahertz spectroscopy
- Raman Spectroscopy
- Optical microscopy
- Positive material identification (PMI)
- Radiographic testing (RT) (see also Industrial radiography and Radiography)
- Computed radiography
- Digital radiography (real-time)
- Neutron imaging
- SCAR (small controlled area radiography)
- X-ray computed tomography (CT)
- Resonant inspection
- Resonant acoustic method (RAM)[4]
- Scanning electron microscopy
- Surface temper etch (Nital Etch)
- Ultrasonic testing (UT)
- Acoustic resonance technology (ART)
- Angle beam testing
- Electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) (non-contact)
- Laser ultrasonics (LUT)
- Internal rotary inspection system (IRIS) ultrasonics for tubes
- Phased array ultrasonics (PAUT)
- Thickness measurement
- Time of flight diffraction ultrasonics (TOFD)
- Time-of-flight ultrasonic determination of 3D elastic constants (TOF)
- Vibration analysis
- Visual inspection (VT)
- Pipeline video inspection
- Weight and load testing of structures
- Corroscan/C-scan
- 3D computed tomography
- Industrial CT scanning
- Heat Exchanger Life Assessment System
- RTJ Flange Special Ultrasonic Testing
- ^ Ahi, Kiarash. A Method and System for Enhancing the Resolution of Terahertz Imaging. Measurement. 2018. doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2018.06.044.
- ^ ASTM E1351: "Standard Practice for Production and Evaluation of Field Metallographic Replicas" (2006)
- ^ BS ISO 3057 "Non-destructive testing - Metallographic replica techniques of surface examination" (1998)
- ^ "Fundamentals of Resonant Acoustic Method NDT" (2005)