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  • Imanol Galfarsoro: "(Post)Marxismoa, kultura eta eragiletasuna: Ibilbide historiko labur bat" in Alaitz Aizpuru(koord.), Euskal Herriko pentsamenduaren gida, Bilbo, UEU 2012. ISBN 978-84-8438-435-9
  • Simon Tormey & Jules Townshend, Key Thinkers from Critical Theory to Post-Marxism, Pine Forge Press, 2006.
  • Sim, Stuart. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, Routledge, 2002.
  • Shenfield, Stephen. Vladislav Bugera: Portrait of a Post-Marxist Thinker
  • el-Ojeili, Chamsy. Post-Marxism with Substance: Castoriadis and the Autonomy Project, in New Political Science, 32:2, June 2001, pp. 225–239.
  • el-Ojeili C. After post-socialism: Social theory, utopia and the work of castoriadis in a global age, Antepodium: Online Journal of World Affairs (2011), pp. 1–16.