
东帝汶仙塔沃英语centavo德顿语Doit Timór-Leste nian,符号:¢)是东帝汶的官方货币之一,目前只有硬币形式,主要在葡萄牙里斯本铸造。

Centavo de Timor-Leste (葡萄牙语)
Doit Timór-Leste nian (德顿语)
Coin TL 10cent.PNG
当前流通的硬币。 The 10 centavos coin is larger than the U.S. dime.
使用地 东帝汶
硬币1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200 centavos
中央银行东帝汶中央银行英语Banco Central de Timor-Leste
汇率挂靠美元 (照1:100比率)
1 目前在东帝汶使用的纸币以美钞为主.

East Timor centavo coins[1][2]
Image Value Technical parameters Description
Reverse Obverse Diameter Composition Weight Reverse Obverse
Coin TL 01cent.PNG 1 centavo 17 mm Nickel-coated steel 3.1 g Nautilus shell, state title, year of emission Value, word centavo or centavos, kaibauk representation below value, tais pattern along border
Coin TL 05cent.PNG 5 centavos 18.75 mm 4.1 g Rice plant, state title, year of emission
Coin TL 10cent.PNG 10 centavos 20.75 mm 5.2 g Fighting rooster, state title, year of emission
Coin TL 25cent.PNG 25 centavos 21.25 mm Nickel-brass 5.85 g Traditional fishing boat (beiro), state title, year of emission
Coins 50 Cent Timor-Leste.png 50 centavos 25 mm 6.5 g Coffee beans, state title, year of emission
Coins 100 Cent Timor-Leste.png 100 centavos 23.75 mm Nickel-brass ring with a cupronickel center plug 7.25 g Boaventura de Manufahi; state title, year of emission
200centavostl.jpg 200 centavos 25.5 mm Cupronickel ring with a brass center plug 8.46 g Water buffalo in rice paddy with Matebian background; state title, year of emission


  • 仙塔沃英语centavo
  • 东帝汶经济

  1. ^ Source: Banking and Payments Authority of East Timor's Public Instruction Number 01/2004 Concerning the Issuance and Use of Coins in Timor-Leste [1] 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2009-09-30.
  2. ^ Central Bank Issues 200 Centavos Coin. Banco Central de Timor-Leste. 2017-09-13 [2018-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-04).