
累进税(英语:progressive tax)指一种随着应税的所得额增加而逐级提高之税率[1]的税。这种制度通常是为了解决贫富不均的社会问题,即所得越高其边际税率越高;反之,所得越低其边际税率越低,但过高的边际税率也带来强烈的避税诱因,而目前资本全球化与避税天堂的出现,许多资金会转移至避税天堂以规避税负。与累进税相对的是累退税





  1. ^ 108年國考大師教您看圖學會財政學(含概要). 千华数位文化. ISBN 9789864875078. 
  2. ^ Suits, Daniel B. Measurement of Tax Progressivity. American Economic Review. September 1977, 67 (4): 747–752. JSTOR 1813408. 
  3. ^ Internal Revenue Service. [2009-03-27]. (原始内容存档于August 16, 2007).  无效|url-status=bot: unknown (帮助): The luxury tax is a progressive tax – it takes more from the wealthy than from the poor.
  4. ^ Luxury tax – Britannica Online Encyclopedia Archive.is存档,存档日期2012-07-07: Excise levy on goods or services considered to be luxuries rather than necessities. Modern examples are taxes on jewelry and perfume. Luxury taxes may be levied with the intent of taxing the rich...
  5. ^ Clothing Exemptions and Sales Tax Regressivity页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), By Jeffrey M. Schaefer, The American Economic Review, Vol. 59, No. 4, Part 1 (Sep., 1969), pp. 596–599
  6. ^ 所得稅法§5-全國法規資料庫. [2019-11-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-31).